Ageing is accompanied by a decrease in various endogenous hormones. To compensate for this “deficiency”, there is a large market for hormone replacement products, such as the administration of testosterone, growth hormone, the pineal hormone melatonin or dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). With some active ingredients, such as growth hormone, risks and side effects are known overall, but there is often a lack of long-term data proving the safety and harmlessness of hormone administration. Therefore, their intake should be viewed critically according to
To positively influence the ageing process and maintain a high quality of life,
Ageing is a biological process that begins at birth and is irreversible. The skin becomes thinner, wrinkled and dry, the eyes and ears become less efficient, the bones become porous and the vessels narrow more and more. “These regression processes also include the fact that hormone production such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), melatonin and growth hormone (GH) decreases with increasing age. However, this drop in hormones is not the cause, but the consequence of the natural ageing process. Even though there is now a large market for hormone products and therapies that promise to delay the natural ageing process, improve performance,
The administration of the prescription drug growth hormone is justified in compensating for a high-grade deficiency, for example, an anterior pituitary gland insufficiency. GH can be used to treat short stature in children or adults, metabolic disorders, changes in body composition (fat and muscle distribution) and deterioration in the quality of life. However, placebo-controlled studies of GH administration in the elderly have shown only a minimal beneficial effect on fat distribution.